Cube Cabinet Beds vs more Expensive Models Night and Day offers six different cabinet bed collections including the Clover, Sagebrush, Alpine, Daisy, Sagebrush, and Cube. All the collections, while having their own unique designs, have the same functionalities except for the Cube collection. The Cube collection debuted on the cabinet bed market a couple of […]
May 2021
Clover Murphy Cabinet Bed
The Clover Murphy Cabinet Bed was the original cabinet murphy bed offered by Night & Day. Night & Day introduced the Clover Murphy Bed over 10 years ago and it has remained a staple of their cabinet bed offerings ever since. The Clover is known for its simple design. While the Clover may be the […]
Murphy Cube Cabinet Bed Review and Buyer’s Guide
Night & Day designed the Murphy Cube Cabinet Bed to be a less expensive alternative to their Clover Collection. Since the Cube debuted on the market, it has quickly become the most popular cabinet bed. Customers are saving nearly $700 by going with one of the Cube Cabinet Beds over the Clover Bed. Below we […]