is open for business 24/7. When you place an order through our website you will find it safe, easy, and fast. You can make changes and review what you have entered before your order is placed and a confirmation email will be sent directly to you within seconds! To keep your information safe and secure, we use only the highest encryption protection software commercially available.
Order Confirmation
After your order is completed, you will automatically be sent an “Order Confirmation” email to the email address you entered during checkout. This email is your receipt please review it upon receipt to check for any errors. If you do not receive an “Order Confirmation” email from us, please contact our Customer Service at 1-800-570-9515 and a new receipt will be emailed to you immediately!
Phone Order also gives you the option of ordering by phone. If you prefer talking to a live person when placing an order our sales and Customer service team is ready to place your order over the phone. Our Customer Service Representatives are available at 1-800-570-9515 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Monday – Saturdays.